Fumba is a peninsular of land just to the south of Stonetown on the island of Zanzibar.
Despite its relative proximity to the metropolis and the airport, this place feels really rather remote. After skirting the airport, the road leads through plantations and villages before reducing to a dirt track to cross a long stretch of uninhabited scrubland before arriving at the small swathe of verdant vegetation at the top of the peninsular.
The beaches down here, backed by mangrove forest and some enormous baobab trees, are not the classic white-sand that one sees on the east coast, but they are virtually deserted other than the occasional local fisherman. Offshore lies a substantial marine park, which includes some very lovely small islands and sandbanks. perfect for lazy days out on the boat with snorkels and picnics.
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We generally tend to only recommend lodges on this western side when visited in combination with another lodge on the more classically beachy and beautiful east coast.
The only accommodation is at the relatively upmarket Fumba Beach Lodge.